
Archive for the ‘Otherworld’ Category

I’m not Creative

Just came to a realization today.  As much as I like to hol dmyself out as a creative guy, especially as a writer.  Then I looked at Otherworld.  I have three stories right now that can easily be qualified as “Surprise Meeting on the Boat.”  Shameful.  Ray and Raskin.  Diego and Crimson.  Cut and Sable.

I will admit, however, that while all begin similarly, they do have their own unique endings.  So feel free to keep up.  I pormise you won’t be reading the same thing three times.  Or maybe I will, and see which one gets the most reads…

I can’t wait until the Pack get son board and Reggie can come into play.  As of now, he has no surprise meetings planned…

Updating linkns now, then posting the new Cut post on Otherworld.

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No, this is not going to be another political rant.  Although I’m sure you can look forward to one of those soon; it’s been too long since I made y’all mad at me.  This is just a quick note to say that I’ve got a new post up on Otherworld – the first meeting between Ray and Raskin to start their monster hunting squad.  It’s in the link list.

This is an exciting time for Otherworld.  We have a Moonlight Booze Cruise loading up and getting ready to leave the docks.  It is, of course, destined for catastrophe soon.  Should be fun writing!

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OK, I’d promised that Ray would soon be hiring Raskin to begin the formation of his all human monster-hunting team.  Both got their first post in the plan today.

Ray’s was actually written and intended to be posted a month ago.  It’s his arrival to Moon Bay and purchasing of tickets to the upcoming Booze Cruise.  Raskin’s was his receiving of a mysterious note and ticket to said booze cruise.  Guess who sent it?  Links are on the sidebar.

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OK, my original goal had been to update you on Otherworld stories as they happen.  Failure.  So I’m going to try and catch you all up.  Here are my characters and what they’re up to right now (those who are up to something anyway).

  • Patrick ust unknowingly killed a North Cabal swattie and is currently hiding from his father at a chick’s apartment 
  • Cut Whittington and Diego Almanzar just finished a round of meetings where they decided to repay Patrick for his crimes
  • Jackson Slade and Elicia Moran just ran into each other whlie she tried to mug the head of the soon to be New Coven in Moon Bay.  Nobody enjoyed the meeting (blame switchblades, arm bars, and binding spells), but I’m hoping it leads to everyone being friends in the long run
  • Brandie Leonard is in the midst of a story that is going to end in trouble of some sort at the local supernatural biker bar
  • Ray Chapel is about to hire the first member of his all-human, monster hunting squad (still looking for a good name) – who happens to be my Kimball Raskin

All pertinent active storylines are in my Otherworld links section

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Well, my witch (Elicia Moran) has been approved and is officially active on the board.  Her first post is up, describing her arrival in Moon Bay.  Feel free to go check her out!


 And if you just want to see her character profile, it’s here:


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Well, otnight was a good writing night.  Not noly did I create my new witch, I collated all the currently approved scenes from Jen and my script and put them into the working copy.  I also wrote Elicia’s (the witch’s name) first post.  All smarmy juvenile delinquent.  Oh, and Barbara Nedeljakova is out as the model, replaced by Jordana Brewster.  On th eoff chance you want to read the story, well, tough.  It’s not posted yet.  Once Elicia is fully approved by the rest of the coven (which consists of Jen from screenwriting fame and Amber, a mutual friend and fellow site admin), then I’ll post it.  When I do, I’ll share the link here.  Until then you have to wait for the adventures of Elicia Moran, teenage witch-at-large, and her friends Daddy Warbucks, Senor Fatty, and Habib the Cabbie.

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Just a small announcement that I have a new character on my website.  This one is a young woman modeled on Barbara Nedljakova (the chick from Hostel) .  See, on the site we have several “elite” groups.  One is the Cabal (a sorcerer-run organized crime organization) of which I am the head.  One is the Pack (a werewolf surrogate family) of which I am a member with a Will Smith-based werewolf.  Finally is the Coven, of which until tonight I was not a member.  It is the Pack equivalent for witches.  So tonight the girl that runs the Coven asked me to join.  For your entertainment, here is my girl…

Name: Elicia Moran
Nickname: {some cool street-sounding nickname}

Profession: Officially, none.  She does what she has to to get by.  A little begging, a little thievery, odd jobs here and there.  Nothing to tie her down to any one place too long.

Race: Witch (Coven)

Height: 5’7”
Weight: 120

Eye Color: A dark brown reminiscent of a good cup of coffee
Skin Color: Rather pale.  She prefers to hide out during the day and move around at night
Hair Color: Chocolate

Distinguishing Marks: A scar down the length of one forearm from a street gang initiation ceremony.  A tattoo on her right hip of XV3 with the words “La Vida Loca” underneath.

Age: 19

General Style of Dress or Appearance: She wears what she picks up as she goes.  Mostly denim and sweats.  She has a three year old pair of tennis shoes tat look like they could fall to pieces at any minute.

Relations: Her mom died when she was just eleven.  She never knew her father or any other family members.
Friends: Friends are fleeting in her world.  She makes alliances that help her out in her life on the streets.  You have a place to live or a way to get some cash, she’s your pal.
Soulmate: Not in this lifetime anyway.

Talents/Special Abilities: The usual street fare:  picking locks, lying well enough to fool the cops, and handling a knife well enough to defend herself.  Her magical abilities are relatively weak and unpolished from lack of use and spending her first menses sleeping under a railroad bridge.

Personality traits: Closed off and untrusting.  Years on the streets have left her trusting essentially nobody.  She’s not likely to start with you.  Somewhere under that gruff exterior is hiding a girl who just wants a home and the family taken away from her when her mom died.

Awareness: All she knows is that she’s a witch and her mom told her that if she gets a bad feeling from looking in a man’s eyes to get away as fast as possible.

Quote: “Who wants to know?”

Model: Barbara Nedeljakova

In the beginning it was her and her mother against the world.  They never had much money, but they had each other, and that’s all Elicia ever thought she’d need.  Then lung cancer took her mother when she was just eleven.  With no father or other family to claim her, she was snapped up into the
New York foster care system.  In the first house she was in for longer than three months she was well taken care of, but every night after the house had gone to sleep she got a visit from her foster father.  Two months of that and she was out a window and into the streets of

Since that night, she’s been a wanderer, going wherever life takes her.  She’s been a member of a gang or two along the way, mostly for protection purposes.  Whenever the heat got too bad or she met someone interesting with a car she was gone to a new town and new life.  None of those towns or lives have ever offered her anything but new trouble not all that different from wherever she last left.

Not quite ten years later she found herself living in an abandoned warehouse in
East L.A. selling drugs for the

18th Street

Gang under the protection of the neighborhood boss Humberto Garcia, better known as “El Chuchillo” or “Chuchi” for short.  One night she was at Chuchi’s house relaxing and watching a Lakers game when the door was kicked in and three huge Cholos with Tek 9s started spraying the living room with gunfire.  She was in the kitchen when it happened and managed to make it out the back door and into the alley.  With Chuchi dead, her life in
L.A. was essentially forfeit.  Two hours later found her on the first bus out of town, bound for some Washington ‘berg named


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So I finally did some productive writing tonight (this blog being essentially UNproductive, if fun).  I went to writing on my website, filling in on one of my storylines.  The way the webiste works, you team up with other people to write a story, each of you writing a bit from your character’s perspective.

Tonight I was writing for Cheap Trick.  She’s my Jenny McCarthy-based roller derby queen Expisco.  An Expisco is a half-demon who can sense chaos and gets a high from it.  Her storyline, which I was invited to join in on by one of our members, is essentially going to be a bar brawl.  Tonight I wrote the piece where she heads to the bar. 

One thing I like to do when I write at this particular bar is come up with interesting musical group names and bad lyrics.  The two previous groups I’d invented were The Bearded Clams and Tuna Taco (OK, maybe there’s a theme there).  The lyrics to their songs were as follows:

It was raining last Thursday
When I shot my mama dead.
I sunk a hatchet in her chest
And put a couple slugs in her head.

I’d always wanted to kill her
Since I was only three.
I tried to smother her with a piller
The day I turned thirteen.


I don’t wanna’ hear you whine
About your mama honey.
Mine wanted to abort me,
But she didn’t have the money.

So you can see I tend to get my “twisted” on when I start writing about the bands.  Tonights band was 5th Grade Dropouts.  I haven’t stuck any lyrics in yet.  Any ideas out there in cyberspace?

 The link to the story: http://www.kaotherworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5244

Shatami, the first character writing, is written by a girl who goes by the name Cia.  Cheap Trick is mine.  Enjoy!

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